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- HIV helps put girl's leukemia in remission | Girilaya Real Groups
- Overeating in children may be linked to drug use | Girilaya Real Groups
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Posted: 14 Dec 2012 01:32 AM PST
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Service Freezer surabaya | Girilaya Real Groups Posted: 14 Dec 2012 12:40 AM PST Service Freezer surabaya dengan Rating: 998574 LocatorURL: Service Ac Surabaya | Reviewer: Teknik Anugerah | CVATA - Jasa Service Ac Jawa Timur ItemReviewed: Service Freezer surabaya CanonURL: CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi menerima jasa service freezer dalam keaadaan mati atau hidup dan berbagai kerusakan kami dapat mengerjakannya.kami juga dapat menyelesaikan service chiller,cooler. service ac,service kulkas,service showcase,service freezer box,service ac window,,service ac central,service ac cassette,service dispenser,pasang water heater,service mesin ice cream,service aquarium cooler. Service kulkas SURABAYA: Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi Kami menerima jasa : >Pengisian freon >Ganti sparepat >Ganti kompresor,defros,timer,termostat,kapasitor,relay,overloud >Merubah Defros PCB kedefros manual >Penjualan sparepat kulkas AC Anda bermasalah,Kami membantu mengatasinya Karna kami didukung teknisi berpengalaman dan bersertifikat CV.Anugerah Teknik Abadi memegang beberapa ASC (Authoriz service center) Antara lain: 1.AC merk Akira 2.Midea 3.Mitsubishi 4.Dast 5.General Dan pegang ASC(Authoriz service Center)Dari: 1.Showcase,PT Sanden intercool jakarta 2.Showcase,PT Primacool,Jakarta 3.Pit Elektronik/Mitra Utama 4.Rencana akan nangani Panding mesin masih proses Jangan ragukan kami juga menangani semua merk 1.AC 2.Freezer box 3.Kulkas 4.Mesin cuci 5.Showcase/cooler/ciller Kami juga mengatasi Pendingin berkapasitas besar Antara lain : 1.Coolstorage 2.Ac Central 3.Ac Cassette 4.Standing flour 5.Dan pendingin lainnya Pengalaman kami sudah memegang beberapa Instansi Antara lain 1.Indomaret 2.Alfamart 3.Alfamidi 4.Perusahaan/Pabrik2 5.Lembaga Pemerintahan 6.Dan Perorangan,Perumahan,Apartemen 7.Dan lain-lainnya yang belum disebutkan dalam daftar ini > Jasa service kami Bergaransi > Harga terjangkau > On time 24 Jam Nonstop > Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali harga kami : Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000 Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000 Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000 Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000 Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000 Bongkar/pasang Rp 200.000 Website Kami: http://SERVICEAC-SURABAYA.COM TERIMA DALAM ATAU LUAR KOTA KP : JL.Wonorejo 3/120,Surabaya Telp/Fax : 031-5461679 Flxi :031-70810312 Gsm : 081230032651 Kc : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember Gsm : 081217350056 Selengkapnya : Warga GIRILAYA Learning By DOING -- Peringatan: Berhati-hatilah terhadap penipuan. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab dengan transaksi yang dilakukan berdasarkan penawaran iklan di website ini. | ||||||||
Service pasang ac platuk donomulyo surabaya | Girilaya Real Groups Posted: 13 Dec 2012 08:56 PM PST CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi pada tanggal 12 Desember 2012 melakukan pasang ac split,cuci ac,isi freon,dan ganti duck tape di jl.platuk donomulyoGg 12. Jasa Service Ac Surabaya | Jasa Pasang Ac Surabaya | Jasa Bongkar Pasang Ac Surabaya | Jasa Service Kulkas Surabaya | Jasa Service Mesin Cuci Surabaya | Jasa Service Dispenser Surabaya | Jasa Service Showcase Surabaya | Jasa Service Freezer Surabaya | Jasa Service Freezer Box Surabaya | Jasa Service Mesin Ice Gream Surabaya | Perbaikan Ac Surabaya | Perbaikan Kulkas surabaya | Perbaikan Mesin Cuci Surabaya | Perbaikan Dispenser Surabaya | Perbaikan Showcase Surabaya | Perbaikan Freezer box Surabaya | Perbaikan Mesin Ice Gream Surabaya | Jual Beli Ac Bekas Surabaya | Jual Beli Kulkas Surabaya | Jual Beli Rumah Surabaya | Jual Beli Mobil Surabaya | Jual Beli Mesin Cuci Surabaya | Jual Beli Kulkas Surabaya | Jual Beli Showcase Surabaya | Jual Beli Freezer Box Surabaya. Jasa Service Ac Surabaya Hanya ada di Cv. Anugerah Teknik Abadi Harga cuci ac split Rp 30.000 Harga tambah freon Rp 80.000 Harga isi freon full Rp 125.000 Harga pasang ac baru Rp 125.000 Harga Bongkar pasang Rp 200.000 Bila anda membutuhkan kami Segerah Hubungi kami : No telepon/fax: 0315461679 Fleksi:031-77249919,70810312 Gsm:081217350056,081230032651 Kategori : Jasa Service ac surabaya,Pusat service Ac murah,jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac Email: Invite : 293CD330 > Jasa service kami Bergaransi > Harga terjangkau > On time 24 Jam Nonstop > Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali/bila kembali masih tanggungan kami selama barang anda perawatan selamanya dari kami Selengkapnya : Warga GIRILAYA Learning By DOING | ||||||||
Aksesoris Cincin Kabulon Merah Hitam | Girilaya Real Groups Posted: 13 Dec 2012 08:23 PM PST Cipta Karya, Jewelry, perhiasan, baki, kotak Box, display, kalung, akrilik, gelang, cincin, liontin, giwang, anting, perajin, kerajinan, seni. Enlarge this image CIPTAKARYA-DCM1-smal CIPTA KARYA JEWELRY BOX 3 DCH / DCMSpesifikasi : Luas = 21,5 cm x 35,5 cm Isi = 6 x 10 = 60 kotak Bahan : kain beludru kabulon (merah / hitam) TELP : 031 562 18 45 | 031 77 22 33 28 | 081 703 866 800 CIPTAKARYA-DCH2-smal CIPTA KARYA JEWELRY BOX 2 Masih tersedia produk lainnya, seperti : DISPLAY GELANG RANTAI DISPLAY GELANG KAKU DISPLAY CINCIN PRIA DISPLAY CINCIN PEREMPUAN MACAM-MACAM BAKI DISPLAY KALUNG DISPLAY GIWANG - BELUDRU DISPLAY LIONTIN - BELUDRU DISPLAY ANTING (BELUDRU) DISPLAY GIWANG AKRILIK DISPLAY LIONTIN AKRILIK DISPLAY CINCIN TUNGGAL AKRILIK DISPLAY CINCIN DOUBLE AKRILIK CKnewmaret-small CIPTA KARYA JEWELRY BOX Pengrajin : pembuatan dan perbaikan Display Perhiasan Emas / Perak ( Terutama Bermacam-Macam Baki ) workshop : Jl Banyu Urip kidul 1 A No. 2, Surabaya Menerima Pesanan dalam bentuk Eceran dan Partai Semua Harga Boleh "NEGO" Cincin kabulon&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CEsQFjAA&url= Cincin kabulon&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CFAQFjAB&url= Sumber : Warga GIRILAYA Learning By DOING | ||||||||
HIV helps put girl's leukemia in remission | Girilaya Real Groups Posted: 13 Dec 2012 08:22 PM PST An experimental treatment in which researchers reengineer a patient's own immune system to attack cancer cells seems to have worked in a 7-year old girl named Emma Whitehead. The acute lymphoblastic leukemia that almost claimed Whitehead's life is now in remission. Whitehead received the treatment, called T-cell immunotherapy, in April. First doctors drew Whitehead's blood, separated out white blood cells called T-cells, and then, using a disabled AIDS virus to transmit genetic material, made the T-cells capable of identifying and attacking leukemia cells. Finally, the genetically modified T-cells were transfused back into Whitehead, where they went to work wiping out her leukemia to below the level of detection, a process that can itself be deadly. "This is just one example now of several examples where people can now use immune cells recognizing cancer to reject, and in some cases it's been well shown for 10 years now, that they can cure certain types of cancer with this approach," says Dr. James Yang, a senior investigator at the National Cancer Institute. "This latest research is about one such retargeting. It's targeting a single molecule, CD-19, that's on certain types of cancers." Whitehead is one of 12 patients to undergo T-cell immunotherapy for Leukemia at the University of Pennsylvania. Other patients have responded differently, or not at all, to the treatment. Among them, another pediatric patient initially responded to the treatment, but relapsed one month later. When the leukemia came back, it no longer had the specific CD-19 receptor that doctors had engineered her T-cells to identify on leukemic cells. "Very often, with acute leukemia when patients relapse, they relapse fairly quickly, and the longer that Emily and other patients go without a relapse, the better the chances the leukemia won't come back, but it is still early in the follow-up," says Dr. David Porter, one of the Penn researchers. Emily is Whitehead's given name, although her family calls her Emma. "There's a great deal of energy and effort trying to identify other targets on leukemia cells for that situation, but also useful targets that could be on other cancers where you could apply this kind therapy," he said. Sumber : Warga GIRILAYA Learning By DOING | ||||||||
Overeating in children may be linked to drug use | Girilaya Real Groups Posted: 13 Dec 2012 08:21 PM PST Do bad nutrition habits like overeating or binge eating lead to smoking pot? Some health experts think they might, according to a study published Monday. Habits like overeating have always been known to affect our health, nutritionists say. In some cases, people say they lose control and just can't stop. Now scientists are finding that both habits and that feeling of lacking control may lead to other health issues. Researchers at Boston Children's Hospital studied a group of 16,882 boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 15 who participated in the Growing Up Today Study, beginning in 1996. From that time to 2005, investigators sent out questionnaires every 12 to 24 months, asking if these children were overeating or binge eating. Binge eating was defined as eating an amount of food that is larger than most people would eat in the same time span under similar circumstances and feeling a lack of control over eating during that time. Overeating did not have to be connected to loss of control. By looking at the results, clinicians examined the association between overeating (without loss of control) and binge eating (overeating with loss of control) and such health red flags as being overweight or obese, depression, binge drinking, and drug use. They found binge eating was more common in girls than boys - 2.3% to 3.1% of females and 0.3 % to 1% of males said they were binge eaters between the ages of 16 and 24. And the habit of binge eating led to weight problems. "In summary, we found that binge eating, but not overeating, predicted the onset of overweight/obesity and worsening depressive symptoms," noted lead author Kendrin Sonneville, a clinical nutrition specialist with Boston Children's Hospital. "It's understandable about the connection with depressive states because binge eating carries a kind of stigma that could cause those children binge eat, to be depressed," she added. However, when it came to overeating, whether the children said they were in control or had lost control of their eating habits, doctors found a strong connection to the onset of marijuana and other drug use, while there was very little connection to either eating habit and binge drinking. "These findings from this investigation and previous research suggest that lack of control is an important indicator of severity of overeating episodes," Sonneville says. "Why it's connected to possible drug use, we don't understand yet. "However, " she continued, "Given that binge eating is uniquely predictive of some adverse outcomes and because previous work has found that binge eating can be treated by intervention, clinicians should be encouraged to screen adolescents for binge eating." Sumber : Warga GIRILAYA Learning By DOING | ||||||||
Service cuci ac Fisika ITS | Posted: 13 Dec 2012 10:28 AM PST CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi pada tanggal 13 Desember 2012 melakukan cuci ac dan pengisian freon di perum ITS Jl.Fisika C-10 Surabaya. Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi Adalah : Jasa service Wilayah Surabaya,Gedangan,Sidoarjo. Service ac Surabaya,Service kulkas Surabaya,Service Mesin cuci Surabaya,Service Dispenser Surabaya,Service Freezer Surabaya,Service Showcase Surabaya,Service Cooler Surabaya,Service Ciller Surabaya,Cuci Ac Surabaya,Bongkar Pasang ac Surabaya,Pasang ac Surabaya,Jual Beli ac bekas Surabaya dan jual ac Baru Surabaya,Terima ac Bekas Surabaya,Layanan service Ac,Kulkas,Mesin Cuci,Dispenser,Freezer,,Showcase,Cooler,Ciller,Pusat Layanan service Ac,Kulkas,Mesin cuci,Dispenser,Freezer,Showcase,cooler,Ciller,bongkar ac surabaya,Perawatan ac Surabaya,Maintenance ac Surabaya,Jasa service,cuci,pasang baru,bongkar ac lama,pindah lokasi tempat,pasang ac lama,bongkar pasang,perbaikan ac surabaya.penambahan freon,Pengisian freon,tukar tambah ac lama,perbaikan ac bocor air,ganti remotte universal,ganti sersor ac,perbaikan modul ac,modul kulkas,modul kulkas diganti kemanual. Bila anda membutuhkan kami Segerah Hubungi kami : No telepon/fax: 0315461679 Fleksi:03131288810,77249919,70810312 Gsm:081217350056,081230032651 Email: admin@serviceac-surabaya.comKategori : Cara Service ac split, jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac Invite : 293CD330 > Jasa service kami Bergaransi > Harga terjangkau > On time 24 Jam Nonstop > Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali/bila kembali masih tanggungan kami selama barang anda perawatan selamanya dari kami. | ||||||||
Posted: 13 Dec 2012 03:41 AM PST
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Posted: 13 Dec 2012 01:18 AM PST
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