Wednesday, December 5, 2012



Cara mengatasi BlackBerry mati total (matot) dan nuked!!

Posted: 04 Dec 2012 07:43 AM PST

Cara mengatasi BlackBerry mati total (matot) dan nuked!!

Jika BlackBerry sobatt sedang trouble, mungkin beberapa langkah pengerjaan dibawah ini bisa membantu:
dacota 9930Dari berbagai kasus yang terjadi pada BlackBerry, seperti bold 9000, gemini 8250, aries 8350, curve 8320, javelin 8900, pearl 3G 9105, davis 9220, armstrong 9320, curve 9300 3G, apollo 9360, 9370 – 9380, storm 9500, strom2 9550, tour 9630, essex 9650, onyx 9700, onyx2 9780, bellagio 9790, torch 9800, 9810, monza 9860, 9850, dakota 9900, montana 9930, Porsche Design P'9981 dll. ternyata permasalahan yang juga sering didapat adalah BB dalam kondisi mati total (matot) dan hanya led yang kedip-kedip merah atau hidup loading sebentar terus restart lagi atau juga malah tidak ada tanda – tanda kehidupan sama sekali. Kasus ini ada dua kemungkinan bisa karena software bisa juga karena hardware.
1. Sebelum sobatt melangkah lebih jauh, jika BB tidak ada tanda – tanda kehidupan sama sekali.. maka pastikan dulu battery Blackberry dalam kondisi bagus dan terisi full, ukur dengan multitester jika punya, catu daya sekitar -+ 4v atau bisa pinjam battery BB teman yang sama dan coba hidupkan di BB sobatt, apakah bisa hidup?? coba dengan melepas simcard dan mmc serta battery -+ 5menit setelah itu coba pasang kembali.
2. Jika usaha demikian belum berhasil, itu artinya permasalahan ada di software atau hardware (ic power, ic zocus, ic flash, ic cpu atau komponen lain).
3. Maksimalkan dulu ke software, coba dengan reload OS.
Jika kondisi ketika blackberry dinyalakan, lampu LED menyala merah untuk beberapa detik, kemudian akan terlihat layar putih dan jam pasir dan kemudian kembali mati, kemudian setelah beberapa detik blackberry akan menyala lagi, proses booting ini berulang terus maka keadaan demikian disebut "nuked".
Atau BB hanya kedip-kedip lampu led merahnya
Untuk penyelesaiannya bisa dicoba dengan instal ulang / reload  OS
  • Instal program desktop manager dan firmware BlackBerry yang akan di reload os
  • Browse ke folder AppLoader menggunakan explorer, biasanya terletak di C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader kemudian delete file vendor.xml di dalam direktory AppLoader
  • Jalankan Program loader.exe di dalam direktory >> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader>> double klik loader.exe
  • Klik Next sampai ada dialog "Communication Port Selection"
  • Pasang Kabel USB yang sudah terhubung BB ke PC
  • Klik Next, ulangi beberapa kali bila perlu sampai proses install OS dapat berjalan
4. Kode kedipan lampu LED pada saat awal loading menunjukkan suatu nilai biner yang menginformasikan pesan dari bootROM.
biner 1, nyala kedip lampu merah sedangkan biner 0 dengan tidak nyalanya led (off). Apabila led menyala secara kontinyu, ini merupakan pesan sedang melakukan security wipe, apabila led menyala kontinyu tidak pada saat melakukan security wipe, ini mengindikasikan adanya kerusakan hardware.
  • 1 (desimal = 1) Bukan problem, kode ini adalah normal saat restart
  • 11 (desimal = 3) Tidak ada sistem operasi di dalam blackberry, lakukan reload sistem operasi dengan MFI
  • 101 (desimal = 5) Bad OS CRC
  • 111 (desimal = 7) Missing OS CRC
  • 1011 (desimal = 11) Missing OS Trailer
  • 1101 (desimal = 13)OS Not Signed, coba loading OS kembali
  • 1111 (desimal = 15) OS Signature Invalid, coba loading kembali OS dan biarkan mati tanpa baterai selama hampir 30 menit, kemudian coba hidupkan kembali. Apabila tetap muncul pesak kesalahan, coba lakukan penggantian flash.
  • 10101 (desimal = 21) Unknown Flash Manufacturer, coba lakukan penggantian flash
  • 10111 (desimal = 23) Flash Initialization Problem, coba lakukan penggantian flash
  • 11011 (desimal = 27) Flash Erase Failure ,coba lakukan penggantian flash
  • 11101 (desimal = 29) Flash Operation Out Of Range
  • 11111 (desimal = 31) Bad BootROM CRC, coba lakukan penggantian flash
  • 101011 (desimal = 43) USB Driver Error
  • 101101 (desimal = 45) No BootROM CRC
  • 101111 (desimal = 47) Flash Write Failure, coba lakukan penggantian flash
  • 110101 (desimal = 53) Invalid Memory Configuration Table
  • 110111 (desimal = 55) Password Not Initiated
  • 111011 (desimal = 59) RAM Initialization Problem, coba lakukan penggantian flash
  • 111101 (desimal = 61) Cache No Pages Free
  • 111111 (desimal = 63) Cache Invalid Page Type
  • 1010101 (desimal = 85) Random Number Failure
  • 1010111 (desimal = 87) OSStore Failure
  • 1011011 (desimal = 91) Security Init Failure
  • 1011101 (desimal = 93) NAND failure
  • 1011111 (desimal = 95) General Assert Failure
  • 1101011 (desimal = 107) GPIO failure
  • 1101101 (desimal = 109) Runtime library failure
  • 1101111 (desimal = 111) Exception: undefined isntruction
  • 1110101 (desimal = 117) Exception: SWI
  • 1110111 (desimal = 119) Exception: Prefetch Abort
  • 1111011 (desimal = 123) Exception: Data Abort
  • 1111101 (desimal = 125) Exception: Reserved
  • 1111111 (desimal = 127) Exception: IRQ
  • 10101011 (desimal = 171) Exception: FIQ
JVM Error Code
  • 101     Internal JVM error.
  • 102     Invalid code in file system. The .cod files in the handheld have been checked for modification and it has been determined that there is a problem with one or more .cod files.
  • 103     The starting address for the boot .cod file cannot be found. This might mean that a boot .cod file has not been installed on the handheld, or that its format is invalid or corrupt.
  • 104     An uncaught Java exception was thrown in the Java code and diagnosed by the JVM. Execution can be continued or the handheld can be attached to a debugger on a desktop through a serial or USB cable. The event log should contain the traceback of the thrown exception.
  • 105     An OS file system API returned an error status for a certain operation. This can indicate a corrupt file system or an error in the JVM.
  • 106     An error has been detected in the graphics system of the handheld.
  • 107     Internal JVM error.
  • 108     Internal JVM error.
  • 109     Internal OS error.
  • 110     Non-idle event downtime error. A problem has been detected in the accumulation of JVM down time that represents how long the JVM has been idle. This indicates an error in either the OS code or the JVM code.
  • 200     Application manager threw an uncaught exception. The application manager event thread threw an uncaught exception and so cannot continue running.
  • 201     Initialization of the cryptographic system failed and the handheld cannot continue to operate.
  • 202     An attack on the key store has been detected, and the handheld cannot continue to operate.
  • 203     The application manager console process, usually the Home screen ribbon, has failed, like due to an uncaught exception.
  • 501     Internal error.
  • 502     All processes exited. The last Java process has terminated, and there is nothing left to execute.
  • 503     Internal error.
  • 504     Internal error.
  • 505     Internal error.
  • 506     An uncaught Java exception was thrown in the initial VM Java thread thus killing the only live thread in the system. The event log contains the traceback for the exception.
  • 507     A dependency on a .cod file could not be satisfied due to a missing .cod file. Load the missing .cod file onto the handheld.
  • 508     Invalid object. A problem has been detected with a debugger command to the VM.
  • 516     Error occurred during garbage collection, which might indicate a corrupted file system.
  • 510     All threads are waiting on objects, which results in a deadlock. The system cannot recover from this state since no thread can release a lock.
  • 511     A problem has occurred during debugging.
  • 515     The reachable objects form a group that cannot be represented properly by the VM because there are too many objects or the total size of the objects is too large.
  • 516     When committing a persistent object, the VM found that the persistent store id counter has reached its limit. The object was not committed.
  • 517     An inconsistency has been detected in the VM persistent object store.
  • 518     Internal error.
  • 519     Internal error.
  • 520     Internal error.
  • 521     Indicates that Object.wait() has been executed by a thread that holds a lock on another object; occurs only in simulator if the JvmDebugWaits application switch.
  • 522     A thread has acquired two locks on objects in an order that doesn't match the order that previous locks for the two types were acquired, which indicates a future potential deadlock situation; reported only in the simulator when the JvmDebugLocks application switch is set.
  • 523     A critical Java process has died and the device cannot continue to operate normally.
  • 524     An object has been marked as recovered by the Low Memory Manager but it was not freed during a garbage collection. This is only checked in the simulator under the control of the JvmDebugLMM application switch.
  • 525     Bad persistent object. An auto-commit operation during a garbage collection has detected a non-persistent object reachable from the pers
Semoga bermanfaat


Posted: 04 Dec 2012 01:44 AM PST


Tips Tips Menghemat Baterai Blackberry

Posted: 04 Dec 2012 12:39 AM PST

Berikut ini saya akan membagikan beberapa tips tips dasar untuk menghemat pemakaian baterai blackberry.

1. Cukup gunakan koneksi 2G
Apabila anda hanya menggunakan untuk kebutuhan bbm, email, sms dan telepon ada baiknya untuk menggunakan koneksi 2G saja. Koneksi 2G & 3G atau 3G saja ada baiknya untuk melakukan aktifitas aktifitas yang benar benar memerlukan koneksi yang besar, contohnya ketika sedang browsing atau download.
Untuk pengaturannya anda bisa menuju OPTIONS - NETWORKS AND CONNECTIONS - MOBILE NETWORK - NETWORK MODE (silahkan ubah sesuai kebutuhan)

2. Pilih operator yang anda rasa baik untuk lokasi anda
Menurut saya ini juga cukup mempengaruhi dalam hal untuk menghemat pemakaian baterai blackberry anda. Signal yang tinggi dan stabil akan membuat baterai anda akan menjadi awet. Maka ada baiknya anda lebih teliti memilih operator yang tepat untuk lokasi anda (pastikan signalnya bagus, stabil dan pastinya harussesuai dengan kantong anda juga)

3. Atur kecerahan layar ponsel blackberry anda
Ada baiknya jika kecerahan layar ponsel blackberry anda tidak terlalu terang, selain tidak membuat mata cepat sakit juga akan membuat baterai tidak cepat habis.
Untuk pengaturannya anda bisa menuju OPTIONS - DISPLAY - SCREEN DISPLAY - BACKLIGHT - BACKLIGHT BRIGHTNESS (atur sesuai kebutuhan, biasa saya pakai 0)

4. Matikan koneksi wifi apabila tidak digunakan
Apabila tidak di gunakan ada baiknya koneksi wifi di matikan, karena wifi akan terus mencari signal wifi apabila tidak ada, dan ini akan mengguras baterai anda dan saya sarankan matikkanlah jika tidak digunakan.
Untuk pengaturannya anda bisa menuju MANAGE CONNECTIONS - WIFI (hilangkan tanda centangnya)

5. Kurangi recent updates bbm apabila tidak di perlukan
Orang lain update status atau ganti foto profil maka akan muncul recent updates ini tidak akan masalah jika contac bbm anda hanya 50 tapi coba kalau 500 dan anda membuat recent updates 100 maka dengan cepat baterai anda akan terkuras (orang lain update status atau ganti foto pp malah baterai saya yang habis)
Untuk pengaturannya anda bisa menuju BBM - MENU (tombol lambang bb) - OPTION - RECENT UPDATES - SHOW RECENT UPDATES (ganti sesuai kebutuhan)

7. Jangan menggunakan aplikasi penguras baterai
Saya tidak menyarankan untuk menggunakan aplikasi untuk mengganti warna lampu led dan lain lain. ini dapat mengurangi daya tahan baterai anda, ada baiknya jika anda hanya menginstal aplikasi aplikasi yang benar benar anda butuhkan.

Sekian dulu Tips Tips Menghemat Baterai Blackberry dari saya, jika ada yang kurang dari tulisan saya ini mohon di maklumi dan di tambahkan.

HiWiFi 1.0

Posted: 04 Dec 2012 12:14 AM PST

HiWiFi application is a powerful wireless network manager. It provides automatic WLAN connection and informs you about available WLANs. With HiWiFi you can avoid using data plan and save your money while roaming, you can choose your favorite Hotspots and you can be alerted by LED indicator when you are connected to a Hotspot.

First of all we want to inform you about WLAN types. There are two main WLAN types – Protected and Unprotected WLANs. Protected WLAN is protected with preshared key and 3rd party applications are not allowed to operate with this WLAN type. Unprotected WLAN, also known as Hotspot, can be Open or Blocked. Open Hotspot has totally open Internet access and it doesn't require any username or password. Blocked Hotspot is also unprotected (there is no preshared key) but you should know username and password to login via login page from your phone browser.

HiWiFi has two operating modes – Connect mode, which is default, and Watch mode. You can choose your operating mode from HiWiFi Options menu.

Connect mode provides automatic connecting to Open Hotspot which has maximum signal level. When HiWiFi is started in Connect mode all Hotspots are marked with grey ball and status of all available Hotspot is "Untested". If there are protected WLANs in range they are also shown on the screen and they are marked with red ball and word "Protected" Now HiWiFi performs testing of first Hotspot – Hotspot with maximum signal level. If that Hotspot is Open, connection will be established, Hotspot will be marked with green ball and status will be "Connected". All other Hotspots remain untested. If first Hotspot is Blocked than HiWiFi continues with testing of second Hotspot and the first one is marked with yellow ball and word "Blocked". If second Hotspot is also Blocked then HiWiFi performs this procedure till Open Hotspot is found and connection is established.

Both, Connect and Watch mode allows you to make forced connection to desired Hotspot and to add Hotspot to list of favorite Hotspots. Just mark desired Hotspot and click on it, popup window appears with two options: Force connection and Add to Favorites. By using Force connect option active connection (if exists) will be disconnected and connection to chosen Hotspot will be established. It is not possible to perform Force connect option to Protected WLANs. If you want to add desired Hotspot to Favorites list just choose Add to Favorites option. Every time you are in range of Favorite Hotspot HiWiFi performs connecting to it. All other Hotspots remain untested. If there is more than one Favorite Hotspot, connection will be established with Favorite Hotspot with maximum signal level.

Beside "HiWiFi mode" option in Options menu you can find settings for Minimum Signal Strength and for Green LED indicator.

In Minimum Signal Strength settings menu you can set desired signal level at which a connection to Open Hotspot can be established.

In Activate Green LED settings menu you can choose type of green LED indicator. If you choose Always, green LED indicator will be active all the time while connection with Open or forced connection with Blocked Hotspot exists. Notify option means that green LED blinks twice every time when connection is established. If you want to disable green LED indicator, just choose Never option from this menu.

Beside Option in HiWiFi main menu you can find Favorites, Help and Exit option. In Favorites menu you can find list of all favorite Open or Blocked hotspots. This list can be edited by deleting desired Hotspot, you just need to mark and press that Hotspot and then Delete pop-up window appears. Select Yes if you want to delete chosen Hotspot or No if you don't.

Before you start your copy of i-Mentalist HiWiFi please read instrutions in e-mail with your registration code.

Source :

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Angry Farm 1.1.31

Posted: 03 Dec 2012 11:03 PM PST

That's 250 LEVELS of Angry Farm FUN! All upgrades are free to existing customers for life!

The Farmer is away and the farm has been overrun by an army of hungry foxes.

Help the angry animals fight back to clear the farm of marauding foxes. The angry animals are armed with a catapult and they fly through the air like furious birds before colliding spectacularly with the foxes who are hiding inside protective farm structures.

Each of the angry animals have special properties that you can control to defeat the foxes.

Angry goat flies through the air slamming into foxes and causing hay bales and wooden farm structures to explode.

Angry pig bounces like a super ball of furious rubberized pork demolishing foxes and their hiding places.

Angry cow flies through the air and accelerates to attacking speed when you click the trackpad or touchscreen while the angry cow is in flight.

Angry hen is a bird full of bad bird attitude. So full of bad bird attitude that angry hen splits into three angry bird projectiles when you click the trackpad or touchscreen while the angry hen is in the air.

NEW - A BUNDLE of DYNAMITE to blow up the barn whenever you are stuck on a tricky level and need to wipe out those annoying foxes! Once purchased, the DYNAMITE can be used once every hour. You only need to purchase the dynamite once.

If you love playing games like Angry Birds ® you're going to love Angry Farm!

Here is what some of our customers are saying about Angry Farm(check out more great comments in the review section):

By: tangles1844
I have been looking everywhere for a game my daughter would like as much as angry birds ®, LOVE it. Very addicting. Now we will fight over my phone.

By: bunitesa
This app rocks! Very fun to play and so addictedddd :) worth downloading it!

- We've added 50 new challenging levels for a total of 250
- In-App purchase for bundle of Dynamite to clear a tricky level
- Engaging special audio and video effects *CDMA devices take note
- Supports BlackBerry® OS  4.6 devices and above- free upgrades to all existing customers forever

There is also a user community for Angry Farm. Angry Farmers can go to ask questions about a particular level and receive help from either community moderators or other Angry Farmers here:
We hope that you enjoy playing Angry Farm and we welcome your feedback for improving Angry Farm.

If you like Angry Farm, please write a great review. It will help us to keep improving Angry Farm for BlackBerry®!

If you have any problems starting the app, please visit and we will assist you getting setup.

*Please Note: The sound has been disabled for many CDMA devices. We are working hard to try and fix the problem as soon as possible. We do apologize and hope to resolve the problem promptly.

Key words: angry farm, action, angry pigs, angry, pig, cow, flying cow, hens, fox, foxes, slingshot, angry animals, goats, flying birds, angry apes, angry chickens, flying pig, arcade, launch, animals,animal, play, game, physics, launcher

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